
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 6 - France visit

Friday 31st May- Tuesday 4th June 2019

Our Year 6 pupils had a splendid time recently when they paired up with their friends from Whitefield to take part in a France 'adventurer' visit! The children spent a long weekend on the outskirts of Paris, staying in some fantastic accommodation and heading out each day on some amazing excursions. 

They scaled the Eiffel Tower; took a boat trip down the Seine; toured round Sacre Couer, headed to Paris Zoo, took a stroll round a traditional French market and even visited a snail farm. And on their last day, they had a breath-taking day at the spectacular Parc Asterix, whizzing around on the fantastic rides!

It was a truly memorable experience for the children, heading over to France on the ferry and really soaking up the sounds and sights of the culture and atmosphere of such a beautiful country. The children picked up lots of new words and phrases along the way and were great representatives of the school, showing France just what Chantry is all about!