
Our Value for this Half-Term is UNITY

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Pupil Premium

Please see our latest Pupil Premium document below

Did you know just registering your child for Free School Meals means that the school gets extra money to support learning?

Chantry recognises that all pupils regardless of their background should have equal access to a curriculum which will enable them to reach their potential. The pupil premium is Government funding for schools to support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

The following pupils attract Pupil Premium funding:

  • pupils who are eligible for free schools meals (FSM)
  • pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years
  • children looked after by local authorities and referred to as looked-after children (LAC)
  • post-looked after children (post-LAC)

 Schools have to use this funding in the best way possible to ensure that disadvantaged learners have the best possible opportunity to achieve as well as those not from disadvantaged backgrounds. 

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a great deal of disruption to education.  The recovery premium is designed to help schools to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils following this period of disruption. 

Recovery premium funding to schools calculated on a per pupil basis and our school will receive £145 for each eligible pupil based on Pupil Premium eligibility. Schools should spend this premium on evidence-based approaches to supporting pupils. In line with the Education Endowment Foundation’s pupil premium guide. 

The Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium Strategy document sets out how this funding will be allocated at Chantry.