
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Ofsted Report

Inspection Dates: 13 and 14 June 2023

We had the privilege of hosting the Ofsted team during our most recent Ofsted inspection on 13th and 14th  June 2023. I am delighted to inform you that the report reflects the wonderful aspects of our work at Chantry. We are filled with immensepride for our dedicated children, our exceptional staff, and the vibrant community that we serve. It is truly gratifying to see our collective efforts and the achievements of our children recognised and celebrated by the inspectors.

Here are some notable comments from the Ofsted report that highlight the strengths of our school.

  • Chantry Primary Academy is a school where pupils are happily ‘learning for life’. The school’s values of aspiration, respect, unity, integrity, independence, enjoyment and quality are practised in the daily lives of the pupils.
  • The behaviour of older pupils is exemplary. This is particularly evident during their lessons, where they remain focused and engaged in their learning.
  • Leaders have created a highly ambitious curriculum for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
  • Pupils are inquisitive learners. They learn about and consider ‘big questions’, such as “History is the past, but where has the past gone?”
  • Leaders’ work to develop pupils’ wider personal development is excellent. They ensure that pupils are provided with rich meaningful opportunities and experiences.
  • Staff appreciate the support leaders give them. They recognise that leaders care about their well-being and workload and have therefore put systems in place to support them. Consequently, staff overwhelmingly enjoy working in this school.

We only had one area for improvement identified in the report.

  • Sometimes, pupils who are struggling to learn to read do not receive the focused support they need. This means that they are not making as much progress as they could. Leaders should ensure that high-quality teaching and appropriate texts are provided to address gaps in these pupils’ knowledge, enabling them to make rapid progress.

Actions are already in place to improve this area within our School Improvement Plan.

You can read the complete report by clicking here: Chantry Primary Academy - Ofsted Report