
Our Value for this Half-Term is ASPIRATION

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life


Our Design Technology teaching links in with our Book Based Curriculum. Our children are encouraged to develop their abilities through combining their designing and making skills with knowledge and understanding of structures, products, mechanisms and quality.

Year 1

  • Autumn 2 (Pumpkin Soup) - The children are introduced to basic food technology principles. They have the opportunity to prepare, make and taste a range of foods.
  • Spring 1 (Corduroy) - The children look at ways of joining materials. We design, practice and sew a teddy puppet together.
  • Summer 1 (The Jolly Postman) - During this topic, the children look at simple moving pictures to aid storytelling, based on characters from our book. The children design and create different types of pop up cards.

Year 2

  • Autumn 2 (Toby and the Great Fire of London) - The children make a moving fire engine with axles.
  • Spring 1 (The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me) - This is the food technology term and the children look at Dahl’s disgusting recipes and healthy eating options.

Year 3

  • Autumn 2 (The Hodgeheg) - The children build on their knowledge from Year 2, finding ways to join wood to make a frame.
  • Spring 2 (The Iron Man) - The children look at pneumatics; designing a monster/robot that can help the Iron Man.
  • Summer 1 (Cool) - During this topic, the children build on their Food Technology lessons from Key Stage One to measure accurately (related to weighing).

Year 4

  • Autumn 2 (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) – Chocolate! The children are in charge of designing, packaging and making their very own chocolates!
  • Spring 2 (The Paperbag Prince) – Children will explore the life and work of Thomas Edison and combine their knowledge taken from ‘The Paperbag Boy’ to create an electrical system made from recycled materials.

Year 5

  • Autumn 2 (George’s Secret Key to the Universe) - The children have to plan, design and create a moon buggy (controllable vehicles) in this DT topic.
  • Spring 1 (The BFG) - The children are presented with the opportunity to make ‘dream bags’ (containers) for Sophie. They need to select the appropriate tools and techniques for making their product.
  • Summer 1 (Wreck of the Zanzibar) – During this topic, the children look at recipes from the 1900s in their Food Technology topic, using basic food rations of the time period.

Year 6

  • Autumn 2 (Street Child) - The children develop their joining techniques from Year 3, using cogs and pulleys as a mechanism for making a Victorian toy.
  • Summer 2 (Friend or Foe) - The children have the opportunity to explore a range of suitable materials in order to create a safe, stable and robust shelter.

Photo Gallery

Below is a selection of photos from Year 2, the focus being wheels and axles.