
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Rotary Club shoebox appeal

Wednesday 9th December 2020

Not so long ago, we asked staff, parents & children if they would like to help the Luton Rotary Club by filling shoeboxes with gifts, which would then be sent off to some of the most disadvantaged and deprived areas in Eastern Europe. We were expecting a handful of shoeboxes to be requested, so couldn't believe it when 92 shoeboxes were taken and then subsequently returned full of amazing gifts! 

Today, David from the Rotary Club came along to take the boxes back to Rotary HQ, ready to be sent off. But...he had to make two trips as all the boxes wouldn't fit into his car! David passed on his thanks to all at Chantry who were involved in the project and told us our love and generosity would go a very long way indeed (literally and metaphorically!).