
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Rotakids bulb planting event

Saturday 24th October 2020

Our next Rotakids event took place today, which saw our committed group of children planting 500 bulbs around the school site! The event linked to the Rotary Club's international goal to end the Polio disease around the world. When children around the world receive the Polio vaccine, their pinky finger is stained with purple dye to indicate they've had the vaccine. The purple is significant as that's what colour the crocus bulbs will bloom into! 

Our intrepid team of gardeners teamed up with their Rotary Club counterparts who together, did a marvellous job in quite chilly conditions to get all the planting done. We can't wait now till the Spring time when the bulbs will begin to flower and we'll have lovely colourful school grounds!