
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Relationships and Health Education

We want all of our children to grow up healthy, happy, safe and able to manage the challenges and opportunities available to them in the future. The Department for Education introduced compulsory Relationships and Health Education for primary pupils from September 2020. We do have flexibility to deliver the content of these subjects in a way which is age and developmentally appropriate and sensitive to the needs and backgrounds of our pupils. 

We believe that all children should have access to the learning covered within this area of the curriculum and that they should have these information and skills taught to them before they start to experience significant changes. We use a recognised programme to deliver the Relationships and Health lessons which have been approved by the Department for Education. Lessons are taught in all year groups from Reception through to Year 6.

SRE Policy
