Parent Forms
Administering Medication at School
If your child requires prescription medication to be given during school time, you will need to complete the form below and return it to school with the medication. All medication must have the child's details clearly marked on them and must be prescribed by a doctor.
Indemnity Form for Administering Medication
Uniform Orders
All orders must be placed through our suppliers, Price & Buckland.
We no longer hold a stock of uniform.
We strongly advise trying on garments, which are available in the office, to ensure you order the correct size and avoid the cost of exchanging items.
You can order online from Price & Buckland, Brigade Uniform or click below for an order form.
Parents Order Form for Price & Buckland
For pre-loved uniform, we have some available in school or you can donate or receive uniform at Level Trust Uniform Exchange.
Requesting Term Time Leave
Children should attend school regularly and we encourage parents not to remove children from school for any reason. If exceptional circumstances require you to request term time leave for your child, you must do so in advance and by completing the form below.
Requesting Term Time Leave Form
Sun Safe Sun Cream Form
Please download and return the form below if you would like your child to be protected from harmful UV rays through our Sun Safe Programme.