
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Nursery Graduation Ceremonies

Monday 18th July 2017

As our fantastic finish this half term the parents were invited in for a Graduation ceremony today. The children that are moving onto reception were presented with a keepsake certificate which they had helped make with their handprint. They had also made their own mortarboard graduation caps, so they all looked the part! Prior to the big day the children had dressed in a mini graduation cap and gown and posed for a photo so the parents were also given this photo as a gift. The children were presented with some bubbles from the teachers as a gift with the label ‘You blew us away this year’ as they really have worked hard and been a fantastic group of children to teach. They all helped make and decorate cakes and we also had some ‘mini scrolls’ to eat and some drinks. A few extra presentations were made for our class dojo champions and our 100% attendance award winners. A lovely 2017 backdrop was prepared so the parents enjoyed taking some photos on their phones. The children staying with us in nursery were presented with an end of year certificate and I’m sure it wont seem like any time at all until we are doing it all again with them next year! We wish all our families a lovely Summer holiday!