
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 2 Café visit

Monday 5th February 2018

On Monday afternoon some of our Year 2 children visited Kazmick’s café in Dunstable as part of their enterprise project. The purpose of the trip was for the children to do their own research about how to run a successful café.

The aims of the enterprise project are to develop challenge skills, like working in a team and using imagination, and to learn about how to run a business. Our final goal is to open different themed ‘cafes’ at school that will be open to parents and staff and the children are really excited about this prospect!

During our visit today the children had the opportunity to ask the owner Karen questions they had compiled in their teams to help them when setting up their own café. Karen was extremely helpful and informative and the children gained a lot from her expertise. They also ordered their own drinks and learnt about the artwork that Karen displays and sells for a local artist in her café.

The children were a credit to Chantry and their behaviour was impeccable! What an amazing experience!! Many thanks to Karen and her team for accommodating us.