
Our Value for this Half-Term is ASPIRATION

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Year Six is a year full of literary adventures, from Africa to South America and even outer space. The children read and enjoy a great range of books; which enlighten and engage them as well as inspire them to learn about the world around them both in the present and the past.

Autumn 1 - Refugee Boy

WOW! Factor: African drumming

Fantastic Finish: Free Alem Protest

Book: Refugee Boy  Author: Benjamin Zephaniah

During this half-term,  we will experience a variety of genres and will develop our use of different techniques to engage their audiences within our own writing. As the half-term progresses, we will investigate the reasons for migration and immigration which will give us the opportunity to use our mathematical skills such as data handling.

We will also refine our map reading skills, identifying the location of countries that are presented in the book. This will lead us to looking at artwork and music from different cultures.

Unit 1 Topic Plan

Autumn 2 - Street Child

WOW! Factor: Victorian Workshop (Hitchin Schools Museum)

Fantastic Finish: Victorian Toymaking

Book: Street Child   Author: Berlie Doherty

During this exciting unit, we will love learning all about Victorian times and experience what life was like at a Victorian school.  Whilst reading our book, we will learn about how difficult life could be at this point in British history and will design and make moving Victorian toys during our art and design lessons.

Unit 2 Topic Plan

Spring 1 - The White Horse of Zennor

WOW! Factor: Cowrie Shell Treasure Hunt

Fantastic Finish: Cornish pasties

Book: The White Horse of Zennor  Author: Michael Morpurgo

In this unit we will be studying Cornwall, looking at the geography of the area and exploring how tin mining was used. As part of our science topic, we will be learning how to classify living things. This includes going out into the local environment to find animals and plants to classify ourselves. We will be developing our cooking skills by planning and making our own ‘Cornish Pasties.’

Unit 3 Topic Plan

Spring 2 - Wonder

WOW! Factor: Walk around New York and draw the skyline

Fantastic Finish: 3D skyscrapers and buildings

Book: Wonder  Author: R. J. Palacio

We will start this unit by exploring the geography of New York and England, looking at the similarities and differences between them. We then use this knowledge to create charcoal art based around New York City. Both our RE and PSHE topics are based on respect and tolerance, looking at how it is promoted within the community. In science, we will be learning about genetics and adaptation.

 Unit 4 Topic Plan

Summer 1 - Macbeth

WOW! Factor:  Macbeth Workshop

Fantastic Finish: Acting a scene from Macbeth

Book: Macbeth  Author: Shakespeare

We will begin this unit by looking at the physical and human geography of Scotland, comparing it from medieval times to today. We will also be developing our artistic techniques by painting landscapes using watercolour. In PSHE we will be learning about how to keep ourselves healthy, considering both our physical and our mental and emotional health.

Unit 5 Topic Plan

Summer 2 - Friend or Foe

WOW! Factor: British Pathe news clips /Build an air raid shelter

Fantastic Finish: VE Day Street party

Book: Friend or foe  Author: Michael Morpurgo

Throughout this unit we will be learning all about World War II. In our history lessons, we will be looking at the impact WW2 had on the local community in Luton and understanding why Luton was significant during this time.

Unit 6 Topic Plan