
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 5 Curriculum Overview

Autumn 1 - Rickshaw Girl

WOW! Factor: Bollywood Dance Workshop

Fantastic Finish: Alpana making day

Book: Rickshaw Girl Author: Mitali Perkins

During this unit, Year 5 will explore the culture of Bangladesh. The learning will begin with the exciting opportunity of learning some traditional Bangladeshi dance routines with a visit from a magnificent Bollywood Dance instructor. The children will use maps, atlases and globes to learn about the major rivers and oceans of the world. We introduce the term water scarcity and water security and find out how water is distributed to civilisations. Throughout this term, we enjoy reading Rickshaw Girl where Naima is struggling to come to terms with the expected role of women in her small Bangladeshi village and challenges the old stereotypes. In English, we write a transformation story and learn how to write persuasively.

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Autumn 2 - George's Secret Key to the Universe

WOW! Factor: Immersive Theatre - Planetarium

Fantastic Finish: Moon buggy making with parents

Book: George's Secret Key to the Universe Author: Lucy and Stephen Hawking

During this exciting unit, the children will love learning all about the solar system, phases of the moon and the significant people who have travelled to space. We listen and appraise a piece of music called ‘Holst’s Planets’ written by Gustav Holst. Towards the end of the term, in DT, we explore the technical aspects of moon buggies and eventually design, plan and build our own. It is during this unit that the terms atheist and theist are taught in RE.

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Spring 1 - The BFG

WOW! Factor:  Science workshop

Fantastic Finish: Designing and making money containers

Book: The BFG Author: Roald Dahl

Within the BFG unit, the children will engage with science. They will learn about fair testing and about how solids, liquids and gasses go through changes of state. During this topic, the children will investigate, design and make their own dream bags (purses), practising their sewing skills and developing their creativity. In English, the children will create their own discussion texts, formulating persuasive arguments, and write stories full of imagery and suspense.

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Spring 2 - Who Let the Gods Out

WOW! Factor: Greek Olympics Day

Fantastic Finish: Greek Mask Making Day

Book: Who Let the Gods Out Author: Maz Evans

This is an exciting topic and begins with learning about Ancient Greece and the contribution made by them. We will hold our own Greek Olympics and explore how important these were to ancient Greek people. In geography, children will learn about the geographical features of Greece including the weather, climate and topography. Forces are taught in this unit and children will investigate air resistance.  To end the unit we will learn about why masks were important in the Greek theatres and make our own using clay. Traditional Greek food will be enjoyed during Greek Day.

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Summer 1 - The Wreck of Zanzibar

WOW! Factor: Affinity Water Centre Trip

Fantastic Finish: Cooking with seasonal foods

Book: The Wreck of Zanzibar Author: Michael Morpurgo

During this unit, the children enjoy an interesting trip to the Affinity Water Centre, where they will learn all about how rivers are formed and the impact of building homes on a flood plain.  In science, we learn about classification and the Linnaean system. Alongside this, the children will also be studying food from the 1960s and creating and making their own recipes. In English, the children will be writing wishing tales and explanation texts. To end the unit, we learn about and use seasonal foods to make some delicious fruit crumbles.

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Summer 2 - The Boy with the Bronze Axe

WOW! Factor: Stone Age Workshop

Fantastic Finish: Stone Age Day

Book: The Boy with the Bronze Axe Author: Kathleen Fiddler

The children will love reading this book; it is a fascinating and vividly portrayed story of life nearly 3,000 years ago. They will learn about life in Stone Age Britain and compare this to modern-day life. We will create some beautiful artwork after studying and comparing the work of Vincent Van Gough and John Constable. The science taught this half term is how to keep our bodies healthy and learning about the changes made in puberty.

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