
Our Value for this Half-Term is ASPIRATION

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Autumn 1 – The Vanishing Rainforest

WOW! Factor: Amazon Rainforest Day

Fantastic Finish: Aztec printing

Book: The Vanishing Rainforest Author: Richard Platt

In this unit, we focus on the Amazon Rainforest and the impact of deforestation as well as investigating how water travels through plants in our Science topic. In Geography, there is a focus on climate zones, biomes and earthquakes, where we will explore mas with symbols and keys. We will explore the history of Mexico, looking at the Aztecs and comparing it with life in Britain at the time.

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Autumn 2 – Hodgeheg

 WOW! Factor: Teaching Talons

Fantastic Finish: Baking Hedgehog Cakes

Book: Hodgeheg Author: Dick King-Smith

In this unit, we study Hodgeheg which is an important text focusing on the importance of road safety. We have a fantastic WOW visit from Teaching Talons who will bring along hedgehogs and other woodland creatures to meet! It is a very hands on half term where we design and create frames in Design & Technology as well as putting our hands to weaving, in Art. In Science, we explore light and discuss how shadows are formed.

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Spring 1 - Down With the Romans

WOW! Factor: Trip to Verulamium Museum

Fantastic Finish: Roman Feast

Book: Down with the Romans Author: Stewart Ross

In this unit, we investigate the Roman invasion of Britain, the Roman army, Boudicca, Roman baths, food, mosaics, and religious beliefs. We visit St. Albans/Verulamium to consolidate our learning and have a Roman Day, involving dressing up, food tasting and Roman-themed games.

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Spring 2 - The Iron Man

WOW! Factor: Junk Modelling Workshop

Fantastic Finish: Iron Man Movie Experience

Book: The Iron Man Author: Ted Hughes

In this unit, we create pneumatic toys from basic equipment and instructions as well as enjoy a magnificent Junk modelling session. In Science, we explore forces and magnetism and carry out an investigation looking at how surfaces affect movement.

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Summer 1 - Cool

WOW! Factor:  Visit from St John’s Ambulance.

Fantastic Finish: Healthy eating and Dogs Trust

Book: Cool! Author: Michael Morpurgo

In this unit, we look at narrative texts and use drama to explore issues raised by the story. We also consider healthy eating and the function of teeth and the heart during this topic. We end the topic by making a healthy snack.

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Summer 2 – Anglo Saxon Boy

WOW! Factor: Anglo Saxon Workshop

Fantastic Finish: Sword and Shield Craft

Book: Anglo Saxon Boy Author: Stewart Ross

We begin this unit by immersing ourselves in Anglo Saxon history, exploring clothing, the life of the rich and poor as well as important rulers. This unit covers many aspects of geography and science including rocks, soil and how fossils are formed.

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