
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Autumn 1 - Anansi the Spider

WOW! Factor: African Dancing

Fantastic Finish: Finish Music and Crafts in the classroom

Book: Anansi the Spider  Author: Gerald McDermott

This unit is introduced with an exciting visit from an outside dance teacher who teaches the children all about African dance and how to move like African animals. They then learn about camouflage and create an animal collage using patterns. The children extend their learning by using maps and globes to locate continents and compare two localities. This unit is concluded with the children taking part and learning African music, mask-making and dancing with their friends, which is an amazing experience! Parents are encouraged to come and join their child in this workshop.

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Autumn 2 - Pumpkin Soup

 WOW! Factor: Autumn Walk

Fantastic Finish: Cooking Day

Book: Pumpkin Soup  Author: Helen Cooper

To begin this unit, the children have the opportunity to go for an Autumn walk and observe the seasonal changes. They then use natural materials, such as leaves collected from our walk, as an inspiration to sketch and create their own leaf block to paint a repeated pattern. During this topic, we will be learning how to stay safe in the kitchen in preparation for our cooking day when we will be making vegetable soup, bread and a sweet dish. The children learn how to write and follow instructions.

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Spring 1 - Corduroy

 WOW! Factor: Puppet Workshop

Fantastic Finish: Cinema Experience

Book: Corduroy  Author: Don Freeman 

This is a History as well as Design Technology led unit, full of exciting learning! The children will watch a puppet show and make their own puppets from Corduroy, in a puppet led workshop which parents are invited to attend. They will learn to write non-chronological reports in Talk for Writing sessions, whilst sorting and exploring materials in Science. Teachers share old toys and children look at timelines discovering how toys have changed over time. The children end with a cinema experience in school to watch 'Toy Story', which inks back to our topic book Corduroy, showing appreciation and respect.

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Spring 2 - Mrs Wishy Washy's Farm

WOW! Factor: Living Chicks Experience

Fantastic Finish: Creative Crafts

Book: Mrs Wishy Washy's Farm   Author: Joy Cowley

This is mainly a Science led unit, with children learning about various life cycles. We are lucky to be able to incubate eggs and experience the joy of life as the chicks hatch in our own classrooms. Parents will also have the opportunity to share this experience with their children by watching the live webcam broadcast 24/7 from the comfort of their own homes on our school website. The children will take care of the chicks and their needs on a daily basis for as long as the chicks stay with us. To finish our topic, the children will have a crafts day.

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Summer 1 - The Jolly Postman and Fairy Tales

WOW! Factor: Local Walk

Fantastic Finish: Fairy Tale Tea Party

Book: The Jolly Postman and Fairy Tales   Author: Janet and Allan Ahlberg

During this unit, the children will have great fun writing and receiving letters from their friends. We investigate our local area using maps and Google Earth. The children will learn about the journey of a letter and the Postman. After reading various fairy tales we will enjoy a lot of drama and role-play. As our Fantastic Finish. the children will dress up as their favourite traditional story character and parents are invited to a fairy tale tea party, where the children will perform and share their books with their parents.

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Summer 2 - Katie Morag's Island Stories

 WOW! Factor: Scottish Day

Fantastic Finish: Beach Experience

Book: Katie Morag's Island Stories  Author: Mairi Hedderwick

These stories are loved by all the children and staff. This is a history led unit where the children investigate seaside holidays of the past and present. The unit will begin by finding out where Katie Morag lives. We will look at a map of Great Britain and identify where we live and where Scotland is. We will then explore and design our own tartan patterns, listen to bagpipes and watch highland dancing. The children will taste traditional Scottish food and enjoy learning many Scottish phrases. To end this unit, we will bring the seaside to Chantry! There will be changing tents, paddling pools, sandpits, rock pools and even our very own ice cream van.  IT WILL BE A DAY TO REMEMBER…

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