
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

PE Key Stage 1 overview

Students will develop fundamental movement skills, becoming increasingly confident and competent.  They will engage in a wide variety of curriculum areas which are planned to ensure continuous progress.  Tasks are differentiated to provide appropriate support and challenge for all our learners.

Students will be taught to:

  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. Develop flexibility, balance, agility, co-ordination, reaction time, speed and strength.
  • participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.
  • perform dances using simple movement patterns and principles of choreography.
  • Analyse their own and others performances using simple terms.
  • Recognise how their bodies react to exercise.

Curriculum Areas Experienced:

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term
Health Related Fitness Gymnastics Outdoor & Adventurous Activities
Dance Multi-skills Tennis
Football Tag-rugby Rounders
Netball Mini-hockey Cricket