
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

School Hours

Chantry’s school day begins for all pupils at 8:30am and finishes at 3:30pm.

In the main school, from Reception to Year 6, we operate a ‘drop and go’ policy, where parents are asked to say goodbye to children at the school gates which are always supervised by school staff.  This is to encourage independence to support children to settle into class quickly. If a parent needs to communicate with the class teacher we request that this is done via Class Dojo. 

In the nursery, parents are welcome to bring children to the nursery entrance accessible via the Beadlow Road gate at 8:30am for the morning session and 12:30pm for the afternoon.  Children are also collected at the same location.

All school gates close at 8:40am, after which time children will need to be brought to the main school entrance as they are late.  The register is taken in class after 8:40am.  Children arriving after the register has been taken will be marked ‘Late’.  Children arriving after 9:00am will be marked as ‘unauthorised absence’ for the morning session.

School finishes at 3:30pm for all year groups, however, to avoid a congregation of parents outside classrooms, teachers may begin to dismiss from 3:25pm, as parents arrive.

It is our strict policy that children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 must be collected from the classroom at the end of the day by a responsible person over 16 years of age.  This is for the safety of the children.  

Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)  are dismissed to the playgrounds where they are met by parents. Some Key Stage 2 children may walk home alone. This is at the parents discretion and is dependent on the child’s maturity and confidence. Parents who wish their child (Key Stage 2 only) to walk home alone must put this request in writing to the school office.  We do not permit students from any secondary school to collect pupils from the school site without a pass issued by the Headteacher.

Please note that, on Fridays, the school will close at 2:00pm for staff training.

In a typical week, school is open 35 hours a week.