
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Pioneer Learning Trust

Chantry Primary Academy converted from a single academy trust to form the Pioneer Learning Trust in January 2019, joined by converter schools - Southfield Primary Academy and Whitefield Primary Academy.  The trust is a small but growing group of schools working collaboratively in partnership to achieve our shared vision and values.

Working collaboratively within the Pioneer Learning Trust, our group of academies will pursue excellence and equity for every child through our shared vision:

  • To develop and promote a curriculum relevant to the children in each school within the trust, which has the breadth and depth of the National Curriculum
  • Maintain a relentless drive to raise achievement and maximise the potential of all pupils and adults within the MAT
  • Provide safe and inclusive learning environments which meet the needs of all of our learners
  • Make learning enjoyable and promote and foster a love of learning
  • Provide a rich offer of extra-curricular and enhancement opportunities to broaden the horizons of all pupils
  • Maintain the unique identity, values and integrity of each individual school within the Trust at the same time as rigorously holding leaders to account for pupil outcomes
  • School leaders challenge each other and overcome barriers together to achieve excellence
  • Recruit and retain the highest possible quality staff, providing excellent induction, CPD and progression opportunities
  • Work in partnership to provide innovative, reciprocal and collaborative practices to achieve best value

 The Pioneer Learning Trust academies will work collaboratively with our shared values:

Aspiration  ~  Respect  ~  Unity  ~  Integrity  ~  Independence ~  Quality  ~  Enjoyment

The Pioneer Learning Trust will adopt a model for school improvement which has a proven track record of impacting positively on pupil outcomes:

  • Is both collaborative and outward looking - We will develop and improve our schools by utilising skills, expertise and practice from partners whilst also seeking out best practice within the local area and beyond.
  • Is rooted in School to School Support utilising the expertise of specialist School Improvement Leaders, NLEs, LLEs and SLEs - Chantry Primary Academy is a National Support School with NLE leadership and SLEs in Assessment, Maths, Inclusion, Staff Development and Behaviour.  Within the Trust we have a further SLE in Assessment and within our phase 2 and 3 schools we benefit from a LLE and further SLEs in Teaching and Learning.  These experts will be deployed across Trust schools to address our improvement priorities.
  • Engages with partners such as Area Partnerships and Local Teaching School Alliances - The Trust schools are located in the West Area Partnership and the North Improvement Partnership.  These partnerships work collaboratively to develop practice in each school.  The West Area Partnership currently provides a full NQT Induction Programme, regular teacher CPD in core areas and has a comprehensive development programme for Teaching Assistants currently under development.  Trust schools are all members of the Luton First Teaching School Alliance with access to high quality CPD for staff at all levels, including links with Best Practice Network for NPQ programmes.
  • Is tailored to each individual school and is in response to ‘rich’ contextual understanding of the challenges faced – A peer review process will support schools in identifying their individual needs and challenges backed with support accessible through a co-ordinated approach led by the School Improvement Team.
  • Brings about rapid improvement and builds capacity – A direct approach of prioritising improvement resources to schools with greatest need will bring about rapid improvement whilst developing personnel in those schools through CPD and by sharing good practice will build capacity for continual improvement.
  • Is recognised as good practice – A school to school support model is not only recognised as good practice, it is tried and tested within this group of schools with a proven track record of success.
  • Draws upon research and is supported by an evidence base – As a member of the Luton First Teaching School Alliance, Chantry has been involved in action research, visiting Japan to explore mastery learning and implementing strategies in Chantry with evidence of impact.  By researching successful practice elsewhere and adapting it to our schools, we know that improvements can be made in all schools.
  • Takes account of effective adult learning and motivational theories – CPD models will reach all staff through whole team training, targeted individual or group training, online, face to face and conference based training options will all be utilised to best effect.  NPQ programmes will be accessed for all relevant staff, bringing in expertise from recognised speakers and consultants to address specific areas.  Coaching networks will be established to motivate staff to develop themselves professionally.
  • Articulates high expectations of teachers and learners – High expectations of all will be articulated through performance management, school level action plans and pupil level targets.  A growth mindset approach and strategies will support a culture of self-improvement at all levels.