
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below some useful questions and links to other pages.

1. How much is Dinner Money?

The current price is £2.30. Please visit our School Meals page for more info

2. What time does school start?

The school day begins at 8:30am. Further information can be found on our School Hours page.

3. Where can I buy uniform?

Uniform can be purchased online via Price & Buckland or Brigade Uniform. For pre-loved uniform, we have some available in school or you can donate or receive uniform at Level Trust Uniform Exchange. For more information about our uniform please visit our Uniform page.

4. How do I make an application for a school place?

Any parent wishing to seek a place for their child should, in the first instance, contact the Local Authority to establish whether places are available and to request an application form for a school place. Please visit our Admissions page for more information.

5. What should I do if my child is bullied?

When a complaint of bullying is made by a pupil or parent it will be thoroughly investigated. The incident should be reported to the class teacher in the first instance. It will then be referred to the Headteacher or a member of the Strategic Leadership Team, Please see our Anti-Bullying Policy for more information.

6. Can I park at the school?

We do not have a car parking facilities on site for parents. The school is situated on residential roads and we ask parents to park legally and with due consideration for our neighbours.

7. Can my child cycle to school?

Children of all ages  can cycle to school.  Those in Reception to Year 2 must be accompanied to school by an adult. Children in Key Stage 2 should be accompanied until parents are satisfied that children are mature enough to bring themselves to school (usually not until Year 5 or 6).  Cycles should be dismounted when on school site. Key Stage 2 bikes/scooters can then be parked in the bike racks at the front of the school and Reception & Key Stage 1 bikes/scooters by the bike racks outside of Seashell Class, where they are monitored by CCTV.

8. Can my child walk to school alone?

Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 must be brought into the classroom in the mornings and must be collected from the classroom at the end of the day by a responsible person over 16 years of age. 

Children in Years 3 to 6 are dismissed to the playground where they should be met by parents.

Years 5 & 6 can walk home from school by themselves, at parents’ discretion.

9. What should I put in my child’s packed lunch?

Please ensure that you encourage healthy eating, perhaps by using wholemeal bread and providing fruit.  Children are not allowed fizzy drinks, sweets or chocolate bars in their lunches.  Lunchboxes should be a standard size and plastic boxes with a handle are preferred, they must also be named.

10. What do I do if my child has lost a piece of clothing?

Make sure your child's clothing is labelled. Please go and see Mrs Flanagan in the medical room. She keeps all lost property found in school.

11. Where will my child go when they finish Chantry in Year 6?

The majority of our children go to Chalk Hills Academy, but parents do have the option of sending their children to alternative high schools.

12. When will my child start in Reception?

 Children are entitled to start in the September of the academic year in which they turn five.

13. Can my child bring toys in to school?

No, we normally discourage toys or collectables (including trading cards) being brought to school, unless the class teacher has specifically requested that they do. Please always check with the class teacher.

14. Can I receive the newsletter by email?

 No, but it is available every Friday on the school website.

15. What is the best time to talk to the teacher if I have a question?

 Parents may ask a quick question at the door, but any for longer query an appointment with the class teacher should be sought.

16. Is there before and after school provision?

 We operate a Breakfast Club and After School Care Club. Please visit our Care Club page for more information.

17. How can parents get involved?

We are always looking for parents to help out in school! Please visit our Fundraising page for details on getting involved.

18. Can I take my child out of school during term time?

We discourage time out of school for any reason and term time absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.  Family holidays should be only be taken during school holiday periods.  If exceptional circumstances require time out of school, please speak with the office immediately. See the Term Time Leave form for more information.