
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

Read more about our
Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

House & Vice Captains

Our House and Vice Captains underwent a rigorous recruitment process which included an application and interview! We have a House and Vice Captain for each of our houses: Air, Earth, Fire and Water and they can be recognised by their coloured bands and badges. The team are supported by Mrs Lloyd, Deputy Head.

This is an important role in our school and the children look forward to being in Year 6 so that they can apply for the post. The responsibility of the role requires the children to show all of our values all of the time and we are very proud of them.

The children are excellent role models, they work hard to be visible and available in the school and their role includes, peer to peer support, reading with younger children and promoting their House.

Visitors to our school are often given guided tours by our House and Vice Captains who are competent and informative and love to show off our fabulous school.

House and Vice Captains

 We write a  House Newsletter each half term. These are full of information, interviews, jokes and dates for your diary. 

See below for our House Newsletters

Earth Newsletter Autumn 2021

Air Newsletter Autumn 2021 

Read more about Chantry's fabulous House and Vice Captains


Megan - Pen Portrait