
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life


Subject on a Page - Science

Science Progression document

Progression in Science Vocabulary

Science is about exploring, and the only way to uncover the secrets of the universe is to go and look.

Brian Cox

Intent - what do we teach?

At Chantry Primary Academy, we recognise the importance of Science in every aspect of daily life.  We believe that the teaching of science stimulates and excites children’s curiosity and enables them to understand their world and to explain phenomena within it. We intend to encourage and develop a sense of awe and wonder, and thus of respect, regarding their world. 

Implementation - how do we teach it?

Reading at Chantry underpins all of our learning with science taught within our book-based curriculum, building upon previous knowledge and experience. A clear and comprehensive scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum shows progression of knowledge and skills across all key stages, including EYFS, within the programmes of study. The teaching of vocabulary is an integral part of the teaching and learning of Science. Children will move on from everyday common language to a more precise use of technical and scientific vocabulary, notation and symbols. Practical and kinaesthetic activities give children experiences and encourage their curiosity to ask and answer questions. Children are given opportunities to formulate their own investigations to test hypothesis. They will make observations and take measurements in a precise and systematic way, drawing conclusions from and forming conclusions based upon this evidence. Attainment is assessed regularly using key performance indicators and teacher observation forms part of the formal assessment.

Impact - what impact is our teaching having?

By the end of their primary education, our children will be able to describe events and phenomena and explain these using appropriate scientific vocabulary. Most children achieve age related expectations in Science at the end of their cohort year. Progress will be shown and children will be able to demonstrate knowledge at an age appropriate level. Children will have developed the necessary practical skills which can be transferred to real life situations, giving them the building blocks to continue to succeed at high school and beyond. They will understand that Science is all around us in our everyday lives, they will recognise that Science is paramount in our ever-changing world. Children at Chantry will show curiosity and confidence to question the world that they live in.


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