
Our Value for this Half-Term is ENJOYMENT

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Values Programme

Chantry Primary Academy

Primary Academy

Learning values for life

Art & Design

Subject on a Page - Art & Design

Art & Design Progression

Progression in Art Vocabulary

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.

Georgia O’Keeffe (20th century American artist) 

Intent - what do we teach?

Art is one of the highest forms of human creativity and at Chantry Primary Academy, we provide our pupils with the opportunity to develop and extend their artistic skills while also expressing their individual interests, thoughts and ideas.  We believe that the teaching of art should inspire and engage pupils and enable them to experiment, invent and create with increasing confidence We intend to encourage pupils to think critically about their work, become proficient with their art techniques and develop their evaluation skills using the language of art, craft and design.

Implementation - how do we teach it?

At Chantry, our scheme of work is planned in line with the National Curriculum; teaching and learning shows progression across all key stages within the strands of art. Art is taught termly in all year groups. Reading underpins all learning, as art links to the books used within our book based curriculum and therefore to the other topics taught within the unit of work. In addition to this, pupils have the opportunity to explore the work of famous national and international artists in order to enhance their learning.

Throughout their art lessons, pupils will use and explore a variety of media and techniques, which are built upon year after year. They will develop their ability to control their use of media and materials and increase their awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.

Attainment and progression will be assessed regularly both using summative assessment of the learning, through ‘live’ marking, self and peer assessment and book looks, as well as termly formative assessment using key performance indicators.

Impact - what impact is our teaching having?

By the end of their primary education, pupils will have developed a love of art and will be able to demonstrate this through their knowledge and understanding of a wide range of artists (both past and present), artistic styles and skills. Throughout their primary education, pupils will be supported and challenged appropriately in order to show progress in their understanding and skills at an appropriate level. They will increase in their confidence and proficiency in art, alongside developing resilience and perseverance as they develop their skills. They will take pride in their work and celebrate their own achievements, as well as those of their peers.  Pupils will also be keen to try new techniques and work hard to develop them, producing, creative and imaginative work and developing a love of art.

Assessment will be ongoing and most pupils will achieve age related expectations in art at the end of their cohort year.

The current attainment of 61% of pupils working at expected age related expectations and 6% of pupils working above age related expectations will be maintained and increased across the school year.

Art & Design

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